The 2020 installation of officers for SW Hackett Lodge was a great event and enjoyed by all.
Our Installing Officer this year was Worshipful Gerald Winstanley, PM.
The Master of Ceremonies was Worshipful David Haslim, PM, Inspector at Large.
The installing Chaplain was Worshipful Daniel Macaraeg, PM.

You've seen the pictures of the officers that were installed, now for some pictures of the installation and celebration.

The installation of the Officers for 2020.

Worshipful Jim Achenbach the Tiler is installed

Brother Robert Scheeler, the Marshal

Worshipful Dimiter Lyakov, Secretary

Worshipful Robert Salini, Chaplain

Brothers Joseph Jordan, Senior Steward
Benjamin Pulido, Junior Steward (nearest)

Brothers Jeremy Weber, Senior Deacon
Mark Helton, Junior Deacon (nearest)

Brother Nicholas Baker, Senior Warden

And.... Worshipful Norman Chris Parker, Master, is installed

Worshipful Master Parker thanks all for attending and presents his remarks.

Special thanks to Knights Templar - San Diego Commandery 25
and San Diego Chapter No. 45 - National Sojourners, inc.
For presenting the flag of our country.

Special thanks also to Job's Daughters Bethel 40 for their offering
as part of the closing with the benediction of the Chaplain

And now, here are the pictures of the guests and celebration

The wine was made for the event with the Master's logo

The food was great and plentiful.

The Master and his wife with honored guests,
Most Worshipful Melvyn Stein, PGM, and wife Betty

All the pictures below are of all the guests at their tables.